Elevating Brand Trust: The Role of Intuitive Web Design Choices
Elevating Brand Trust: The Role of Intuitive Web Design Choices
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The time when merely existing online is long gone. To succeed, brands need to embody an image that resonates with trust and credibility. This isn't about just checking the proverbial boxes, sprinkling your website with standard widgets, or imitating what your competitors are doing. It's about going the extra mile.

You see, a website isn't simply a digital storefront. It's a vibrant extension of your brand's personality. It's a 24/7/365 ambassador that interacts with your audience, communicates your value proposition, and strengthens your brand's authority. So, how do you transform your website into just that?

What if we told you that the secret ingredient isn't some elusive tech jargon or complex algorithms? It's actually a blend of smart, intentional, and user-centred web design choices! By embracing these choices, you can foster an environment that draws your audience and convinces them to stay, engage, and, ultimately, convert.

Harnessing the power of intelligent web design choices can help your brand stand out, generate trust, boost credibility, and enhance your business prospects.

To help you achieve that, this article will empower you with actionable, relatable, and engaging strategies. With tested, no-nonsense advice, we'll guide you toward making informed decisions so you can launch your brand into stardom.

Create a Dedicated Space for Trust Messaging

In the bid to generate trust and credibility, sometimes, the best course is the direct one. Give trust the spotlight it deserves on your website instead of merely implying it in the shadows of your messaging. It's a powerful, straightforward way of communicating that you genuinely care about your customers' needs and concerns.

Take a cue from FOCL, a leader in the health supplements and wellness sector. They don't stop at the implied trust that comes with their premium brand image. Instead, they have a dedicated section on their homepage that addresses trust explicitly: "We take your trust seriously." This statement doesn't just scream authenticity; it echoes FOCL's commitment to its customers, their health, and their well-being.

Further enhancing this trust-centric approach is their comprehensive FAQ section. Here, FOCL handles potential uncertainties or doubts visitors might have. This section serves as a testament to their transparency, showcasing their willingness to address concerns.

FOCL's product pages are designed to uphold this trust as well. Each product comes with an array of relevant information that gives consumers the confidence to make an informed choice.

From specific ingredients to potential benefits and user reviews, they transparently provide everything a visitor might need to decide. This openness speaks to the quality of their products and their integrity as a brand.

Why does this work? It's simple. By putting trust at the forefront of its messaging, FOCL positions itself as a brand that's open, honest, and reliable. Their approach recognises the importance of trust in their sector and their customer's decision-making process, reflecting a brand that truly understands its audience.

Source: focl.com


Incorporate UGC into Your Social Proof

The power of User-Generated Content (UGC) in establishing credibility is immense. It's no secret that consumers trust their peers more than they trust brands.

One of the most effective ways to leverage UGC is through product reviews, where customers not only express their experiences in words but also via uploaded photos or videos.

Take, for example, the watch and jewelry brand CLUSE. They've taken the standard approach to customer reviews and amplified it by encouraging their customers to post images of themselves wearing the products.

This gives potential buyers a real-world view of the product and how it fits into different styles and body types. It's more relatable and realistic than a polished photoshoot, and that's what makes it so effective.

Source: cluse.com

But UGC isn't limited to reviews. Take a page from Hapag-Lloyd Cruises' book and incorporate a social media feed directly onto your website. This cruise line company features a UGS that's a curated blend of Facebook and Instagram posts where customers share images of their travels.

This not only gives website visitors a glimpse of the company's services in real-world settings but also creates a community of brand advocates.

Source: hl-cruises.com

You can also consider the impact of customer testimonials. Basecamp's website has an innovative approach, for example. They've created an entire page – "Change for the better" – dedicated to success stories from their diverse user base.

These compact narratives reinforce the value this project management platform provides to different types of customers, thereby building credibility.


Source: basecamp.com


Promote the Visibility of Your High-End Content

If you're investing time and resources to create value-packed content, it's essential to ensure that it doesn't get buried under the virtual stacks of your blog or social media accounts. Making it prominently visible on your homepage can amplify its reach and impact.

This approach ensures that your high-quality blog content isn't just hidden in the blog section but instead serves as a dynamic, ever-changing element of your homepage. It reinforces your reputation as an industry leader and a reliable resource for in-depth, actionable insights.

Just take a look at MarketBeat, a well-regarded platform in the stock news and resources sector. They make smart use of their homepage real estate to showcase their high-value content, with a video from their YouTube channel strategically placed above the scroll line.

This approach ensures that their latest insights are readily accessible to all site visitors, enhancing their brand's image as a reliable and valuable resource in their field.

Source: marketbeat.com

If you're more focused on written content, you might find inspiration in the approach taken by Slack, a pioneer in the field of work productivity and project management. Slack has a dedicated section on their homepage featuring their latest blog posts. This ensures that visitors immediately see a wealth of high-quality, relevant content.

Each blog post snippet provides a compelling headline and a vibrant image, enticing the audience to click through to read more.


Source: slack.com


Make It Obvious That Your People Are Available in Person

In an era where low-touch sales and support are the norm, human touch can be a powerful differentiator. Ensuring your audience knows that they can easily get in touch with a real person can significantly enhance trust and credibility, possibly leading to improved conversion rates.

While automation and AI can offer efficiency, it's critical to keep the human element in your customer interactions. Clearly showcase that your team is available and eager to connect, and you'll build more meaningful relationships with your audience.

A shining example of this approach is the business software provider Zoho. Their dedicated contact page immediately establishes a personal relationship by asking customers if they're looking for something in particular.

There, Zoho provides a wealth of options to connect with their teams – from sales and upgrades to renewals and cancellations. They offer multiple communication channels (including phone and email) and even specify their offices' addresses for local support.

By offering such detailed contact information, Zoho is actively encouraging their visitors to get in touch, regardless of their needs. This accessibility and willingness to connect is a powerful trust signal. It reinforces the brand's commitment to customer service and shows their confidence in their ability to assist, respond, and satisfy their customers.

Source: zoho.com


Make Measurable Promises

Ambiguous promises don't cut it when you're trying to win over discerning customers. Instead, defining and expressing customer value in specific, measurable metrics can go a long way in cementing trust and credibility.

So, think about the promises you're making to your customers. How can you express them in a more measurable, tangible way? How can you show, not just tell, the value you provide?

By making measurable promises, you can help customers see the real value they'll get, bolstering their confidence and trust in choosing your brand.

An excellent example of this is Going, a web platform providing affordable airfare options. They don't just promise you cheap flights – they back up this promise with specific, measurable data.

On their "Cheap flights from Going" landing page, they highlight the percentage of savings you could achieve on your flight by choosing their platform.

Source: going.com

They don't stop there, though. In another section, they list actual flights along with their discounted prices, offering tangible proof of the savings.

By providing these measurable promises, Going does more than just tell you that they can save you money. They show it! This tangible demonstration of value makes their proposition more credible and more compelling.

Source: going.com


Tell Customer Stories

While testimonials have their place, they're almost commonplace. Taking it a step further by sharing detailed customer narratives and case studies can create a far deeper connection, making your brand more relatable and trustworthy.

Consider the approach taken by Zendesk, a leading customer service software provider. They've incorporated a slider on their homepage that showcases different case studies. These stories are introduced briefly on the homepage, but each one links to a dedicated page with a more in-depth exploration of the customer's journey and how Zendesk's solutions made a difference.

This detailed storytelling gives visitors an idea of what Zendesk offers and provides context on how their solutions work in real-world situations. It paints a picture of success, solidifying its reputation as a trusted, effective solution provider.

Source: zendesk.com

Now, let's look at how Workday, a company that provides cloud services for enterprise management, has taken this tactic up a notch. Workday doesn't just provide text-based customer stories – they share detailed video interviews with existing customers right on their homepage.

These stories offer an honest, in-depth look at the customer's experience with Workday's solutions, including the challenges they faced and how Workday helped overcome them. The videos not only offer a highly engaging format but also lend a human face and voice to the customer's journey.

Source: workday.com


Don't Limit Product Ratings to Product Pages

By showcasing product ratings beyond product pages, you can convey the quality and reliability of your offerings at multiple touchpoints.

When you highlight product ratings across your website, you're informing your visitors about the quality of your products and subtly reassuring them that others have tried, tested, and approved of your offerings.

This can significantly enhance the trust and credibility of your brand, encouraging visitors to explore your products further and bolstering conversion rates.

A stellar example of this tactic is REI, a popular outdoor gear brand. They don't limit their product ratings to product pages. Instead, they prominently display star ratings for various products right on their homepage.

This enables visitors to get an immediate sense of the quality and popularity of REI's products, even before they delve into individual product pages.

Source: rei.com

Similarly, Shop Solar, a company selling solar power kits, takes this tactic beyond the homepage. On their product collection page for complete solar power systems, they ensure that star ratings are prominently displayed alongside each product.

This helps customers make informed decisions and reinforces the credibility of the products, enhancing customers' trust in the brand.

Source: shopsolarkits.com


Go the Extra Mile With Earned Media

While the common practice is to display the logos of the publications where your brand has been featured, you can strengthen the impact of these mentions by sharing what was said or providing links to the original articles.

This practice not only lends more credibility to the media mentions but also helps engage visitors and provide them with more valuable information about the company's recognition in the industry.

A prime example of a brand leveraging this tactic effectively is GILI, a company offering paddleboards and kayaks. They don't just show you the logos of media outlets that have featured them. Instead, they go the extra mile by including quotes from these features, offering visitors a glimpse into what was said about their products.

By doing this, GILI lends more weight to these media mentions, transforming them from mere logos into powerful testimonials. This approach offers a more tangible demonstration of the brand's credibility, reinforcing visitors' confidence in the quality and reliability of GILI’s products.

Source: gilisports.com

Another example is Mailchimp, a leading email marketing service. They've created the "Mailchimp Newsroom" page on their website specifically for this reason. There, they feature snippets of media outlets that have talked about them. These snippets link directly to the original articles, enabling visitors to read these mentions in full.


Source: mailchimp.com


Final Thoughts

Building a credible and trustworthy brand is about going beyond the bare minimum. Don't just tackle the basics – take smart, thoughtful steps to prove to your audience that you're not just another brand in the crowd but a dedicated provider committed to delivering value and exceeding expectations.

By addressing trust directly, incorporating user-generated content, promoting your high-end content, ensuring your team's accessibility, making measurable promises, telling customer stories, presenting product ratings strategically, and leveraging earned media, you set your brand apart.

In this article, we featured multiple examples demonstrating how companies like the ones mentioned above exemplify these strategies. They've incorporated these tactics into their web design to increase trust and credibility among their users.

So, follow their approach, go the extra mile, and build a website that instils confidence and establishes credibility for your brand.

Article updated on: 22 September 2023
Talent Garden
Written by
Talent Garden, Digital Skills Academy

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