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Phenomena such as climate change, global warming and pollution of the oceans are partially the result of those needs linked to widespread industrialization, the continuous increase of the world’s population, the improvement of living conditions in emerging economies, and the developing of new consumption habits. But, is there a way to balance collective well-being and economic growth while generating a sustainable environmental impact? The Green Economy was created to answer this question, and it does so through solutions that contribute to the increase in GDP, by reducing both environmental risk and social inequalities. This new economic development model has led to the affirmation of specialized professional figures and the creation of jobs in sectors such as manufacturing, agriculture, management of mobility services, city planning, construction industry, tourism, research and development. These are known as Green Jobs, that is jobs that guide the transition process from a traditional Brown Economy model, by promoting a new approach in which biodiversity protection, a more efficient use of resources and the reduction of pollutant emissions do not necessarily result in worsening of the quality of life, or loss of jobs.

Green Jobs: what they are

In order to provide a precise definition of Green Jobs, it is possible to refer to what is stated by the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), the UN global authority committed to supporting projects related to sustainable development, which identifies them as all those employments that can make a significant contribution to the improvement and conservation of environmental quality. "Green workers" are therefore Green Economy operators who, depending on the reference segment, propose solutions and use systems capable of promoting the circular economy through production deriving from recycling activities. Also, they study and promote the use of renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuel, organize environmental marketing strategies, select materials with the lowest impact for the creation of buildings and facilities, support sustainable cultivation and farming methods, or manage processes aimed at energy saving. All that we have described so far are just some of the aspects related to the activity of these operators. However, the Green Economy is a very complex economic model that requires specialists with advanced skills in the reference sector. So, let's analyze some of the main Green professional figures, by defining them based on the context in which their work is carried out.

Green professional profiles: what they are and what they do

Considering that the category to which Green Jobs belong is particularly varied, one of the best ways to propose specific profiles is to refer to some of the most sought-after "green workers" in Italy, such as:
  • Energy Managers: they are responsible for optimizing energy consumption; they therefore have the task to limit waste and guarantee plant efficiency with low use of resources. In the same way, whenever possible, they must be able to support a company or other type of organization in the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
  • Energy Certifiers: currently, if you want to sell a property it is essential to have an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) issued by an expert able to evaluate the energy performance of a property or other building, also taking into account the materials with which it was built.
  • Solar panel designers and installation technicians: these are profiles increasingly sought after, also because of the economic benefits that are granted to companies and individuals for the adoption of energy sources, such as solar energy, alternatives to traditional ones.
  • Wind farm designers and installation technicians: as in the case of those who design and install photovoltaic systems, these are highly requested figures due to tax relief and incentives for the construction of new energy production centers, such as wind farms and mini wind power plants.
  • Eco-lawyers: the regulations regarding environmental protection are today much stricter than in the past. Individuals, companies and Public Administrations therefore need lawyers with expertise in the legislation on eco-sustainability and energy saving.
  • Green Designer: The Green Economy requires the creation of Green products, for this reason the market needs Designers able to design objects with a low environmental impact that can be made using renewable energy and environmentally friendly materials, transported with minimum emissions and that can be easily recycled.
  • Eco-chef: intensive agriculture and breeding can play an important role in the production of harmful emissions for the environment; Eco-chefs work by providing their contribution to the creation of less impacting eating habits, more linked to the territory (with 0 km production), healthier and based on dishes prepared in low energy consumption kitchens.
  • Environmental impact evaluators: what will be the effects of the construction of a new facility on the surrounding environment? This is a question to be answered by professionals who are able to predict the impact of a new building already in the design phase.
  • Environmental chemists: in order to guarantee the levels of eco-sustainability envisaged by the Green Economy, it is essential to have the intervention of experts able to study and predict with a high level of accuracy the consequences of the interaction between chemical products and the natural environment, especially in view of the characteristics of the latter, such as the presence of reservoirs or farmland.
Other figures could, however, be added to this list, from experts in bio-building to bio-architects, from environmental marketing operators to green managers, up to financial consultants specialized in investments dedicated to the Green Economy.

Green jobs: why are they the future?

Economic growth and environmental sustainability are and will continue to be two increasingly related topics. This phenomenon will lead to a growing search for “green workers”. It has been estimated that currently in the United States for every million dollars spent on solutions for the Green Economy, no less than 16.7 jobs related to Green Jobs are generated. Thus, more than three times the 5.3 new employees that would be able to create Brown Economy’s industries through the same investment. As far as Europe is concerned, initiatives such as the Green Deal will lead to an increasing spread of Green Jobs also in Italy. This EU initiative is in fact aimed at separating the consumption of resources from economic growth, and ensuring that net emissions of greenhouse gasses will no longer be produced by 2050. To achieve these goals, about one third of the 1,800 billion euro of investments of the NextGenerationEU recovery plan and the European Union’s seven-year budget will finance projects related to the Green Deal, producing new jobs and allowing the creation of new Green businesses.

Green Jobs: the training required

When it comes to Green Jobs, the training paths for professionals largely depend on the sectors in which they are intended to operate. But, in general, the purpose of any "green worker" is to increase well-being and economic growth in a better world. IT Manager, Junior and Middle Manager, Project Manager, Consultant, Advisor and Digital Strategist interested in improving work, companies and people have the opportunity to take part to the Applied Digital Transformation Master offered by Talent Garden, a path lasting 6 weekends, including 4 in live online, plus 2 in presence at the Calabiana Campus of Talent Garden, located in Milan. A specific qualification is not required to access the Master, but it is necessary to have at least 3 years of work experience in IT or Business Management.


Green Jobs are professions linked to the Green Economy which are entrusted with the task of limiting the impact of human activities on the environment while ensuring progress and GDP growth. The environmental sustainability of production processes and the various aspects of daily life, the reduction of harmful emissions and the fight against inequalities are essential goals for the social and economic stability of the years to come. For this reason, Green Jobs are considered the professions of the future.
Article updated on: 09 August 2023
Talent Garden
Written by
Talent Garden, Digital Skills Academy

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