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The Role of the Digital Transformation Manager

Being in the digital age you may think that all companies are already completely tech savvy and that they have long ...

Startup Funding: 3 Options a Founder Should Consider

You’ve got a great business idea, a new product or service that you are sure is going to rock, and want to build a ...

Project Management as a Skill: Why is it so Important?

Everyone who has worked in a context where groups of people attempt to accomplish certain tasks has experienced the ...

Programming: How to Learn from the Basics

Programming may seem like a daunting affair to throw yourself into, reserved for some sort of computer wizz. Or maybe ...

Talent Garden Arrives in France: Welcome Talent Garden Lille!

After the recent opening in Barcelona in October 2020, Talent Garden arrives in France with the opening of a campus in ...

New Ways of Working: the benefits of an agile and employee-centric organization

Nowadays it's essential for corporates to adopt new ways of working: but what do we actually mean when we talk about ...

What is content marketing and how to build a strategy that works

Creating high quality engaging contents seems to be the only strategy that nowadays allows publishers to survive. Great ...

What does a human resources manager do

While some of their work may be less visible than others, the human resources manager is a fundamental element of a ...
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